Trailing Grades

For various reasons, students sometimes drop a course part way through a school year and pick up a replacement course for the remainder of the year. This may be the case when a student transfers into the district in the middle of the school year. It may occur because a student's educational needs require a course to be taken at a different time during the day or require a course to be taken at a different level of difficulty.

When this situation occurs, a decision must be made regarding the quarter grades earned in the course being dropped. "Trailing" grades refers to the practice of having quarter grades earned in the dropped course becoming part of the final average of the replacement course. This is done on a case-by-case basis, and the decision regarding whether grades are trailed or not rests solely with the building principal.

Procedurally, if a course is to have grades trailed, the scores and percentages from the dropped course are deleted from the dropped course and entered on the replacement course.